Home / Elements / Button
Button Sizes
Predefined sizes are attached to the button size property, you’ll
be able to choose between the following sizes or make it custom.
Button Padding
Custom padding can be added to the button with unit
like pixels, em or %. Add it on each corner or all togethe
Button Radius Sizes
The angles of the borders can be curved to a different
radius for each border alone or together as one.
Button Left Icon
You can insert any icon from the font awesome
library right before the button text or after it.
Button Right Icon
You can insert any icon from the font awesome
library right before the button text or after it.
Button Type
You can insert any icon from the font awesome
library right before the button text or after it.
Button Color
The same options are attached for the button hover,
freely to select any color from color picker.
Button Hover Animation
More than 30 hover animations can be chosen,
for the animation of the button on mouseover.
Button Typography
Change the font family from more than 600 google fonts, or other
font properties like letter spacing, line-height and much more.